Monday, December 7, 2009

Real recognize Real

Sometimes we set back & get accustomed to fake & phoniness that surrounds us. We even began to idolize fake's. Such as this barbie trend that Nicki Minaj has started. Since when has it been cool to want to be like a barbie? Barbie's are made of plastic and have no real substance. I'm not trying to take away from Nicki Minaj's skills, but I just wish that females would idolize women who portray strength and poise. The thing that grinds my gears the most is that the females that idolize her are that ones that have no sense of identity! I wanna be my own trend setter and do what I like.....

On another note..... lately I have been getting the feeling that some where along the way I have gotten away from the old thing. You know that thing that used to always brighten your day and make you feel accomplished.... Yea I lost that! Been searching for it and in my search I realized it got lost when I tried to convert with mainstream. I used to be so different and standout from the rest, but lately I have been blending.

Now, I'm back to my old self writing and being me again it feels so great......

Ending thought: whatever it is that makes you real be that and embrace that..... who cares if its different because @ the end of the day REAL RECOGNIZES REAL!!!!!!!!

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