Saturday, December 26, 2009

Quench my Soul

I have been searching for music to quench my soul. I mean like that real R&B and Soul that makes you think. I have been so disappointed with the state that music is going that I cringe when I have to turn on the radio. I would rather keep my India.aire, Jazmine Sullivan, Musiq, and Maxwell on repeat. Its like all of these new artist are so commercialize that they seem like puppets in the music industry. I remember when Kanye West was the fresh air to the rap industry, but now he has conformed to being a puppet. I hope he gets his old mojo back.

Any ways, with all this illuminati talk in music and the horrible state of music nowadays, I have been searching youtube for something that made me fall back in love with music again. I came across Angel Taylor. She's 21 and her song Chai Tea Latte has been on repeat every since I heard it. It makes me feel that feeling that I felt when I first heard Ex-Factor by Lauryn Hill. Every song on Angel Taylor's album Love Travels is like a page out of my journal.

Music is the expression of the my inner most thoughts that I sometimes can not accurately express myself. I love music...... I breath music...... exhale it....... it is me.......

Forever looking for music to quench my soul

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